Monday, April 9, 2012

Life according to the iPhone

I realize it's been quite some time since we last updated the blog.  There certainly have been a fair number of things keeping us busy.  Since the last update, I found a job, we moved into a new apartment and have been working to make Sydney more of a home.  In order to illustrate all that has happened in the past month or so, I thought I would include pictures instead of trying to explain everything.  Unfortunately, the one thing we can't find after this move is the cord for the camera to upload the pictures.  So, here are a fair number of iPhone photos to show life recently. 

View from our friends' house--guess who loves it there.

There are tons of possums in the trees here at night.  Todd keeps trying to convince me they are "cuter" than the ones in the U.S.

Waiting for the bus at one of our usual stops in the new neighborhood.

Enjoying some love music.

View from one of our last walks from our first apartment in Sydney.

Just hanging out by the water...

Matching flip-flops--necessary footwear here in Sydney.

View from my walk home on a Friday afternoon.

Photo from St. Patty's--from a Bavarian beer cafe.

View from my nightly run.

After dinner this Thursday, Todd met me in the in city and we went to one of the best Thai restaurants in the city. We decided to take the ferry home.

View from Wentworth Falls.

A little snack after half of our hike--a penguin meringue cookie.

The Three Sisters at the Blue Mountains.

On the way down the 900+ stairs towards the mountain floor.

Sunset at the Blue Mountains.

The Three Sisters at sunset.

They clearly call them the Blue Mountains for a reason.
Gross photo after hiking for a couple of hours.
A little taste of the ATL--at the Coke sign at Kings Cross.

 Hopefully this gives a little insight into the past few weeks here...